Google C++ Style Guide中英对照 (2)

Google C++ Style Guide翻译版中英对照

1 Classes 类

Classes are thefundamental unit of code in C++. Naturally, we use them extensively. Thissection lists the main dos and don'ts you should follow when writing a class.


1.1 Doing Work in Constructors在构造函数中做的工作

Avoid doing complex initialization in constructors (in particular, initialization that canfail or that requires virtual method calls).

要避免在构造函数内进行复杂的初始化(尤其是可能会失败的初始化或是调用虚函数1 )。


It is possibleto perform initialization in the body of the constructor.




Convenience intyping. No need to worry about whether the class has been initialized or not.




The problemswith doing work in constructors are:

  1. There is no easy way forconstructors to signal errors, short of using exceptions (which are forbidden).

  2. If the work fails, we now havean object whose initialization code failed, so it may be an indeterminatestate.

  3. If the work calls virtualfunctions, these calls will not get dispatched to the subclass implementations.Future modification to your class can quietly introduce this problem even ifyour class is not currently subclassed, causing much confusion.

  4. If someone creates a globalvariable of this type (which is against the rules, but still), the constructorcode will be called before main(), possibly breaking some implicit assumptionsin the constructor code. For instance, gflags will not yet have beeninitialized.



  1. 构造函数没有简单的方法来标记错误,不易于使用异常处理(被禁止的)。

  2. 如果操作失败,我们就得到了一个初始化失败而处于不确定状态的对象。

  3. 如果在构造函数中调用虚函数,这些调用就会依赖于子类的实现。即使你的类还没有子类,未来对你的类的改动也会悄悄的引入这个问题而带来很多麻烦2

  4. 如果某人创建了一个这个类的全局变量的实例(即使违背了之前的准则),构造函数中的代码会在主函数之前运行,这也许会违反一些构造代码中隐式的假设。例如此时一些全局符号还没有被初始化。


Constructors should never call virtual functions or attempt to raise non-fatal failures. Ifyour object requires non-trivial initialization, consider using a factory function or Init() method.


构造函数不应该调用虚函数或是进行可能引起非致命的错误的操作。如果你的对象需要有意义的初始化3 ,考虑用一个工厂函数或是Init()方法4

1.2 Default Constructors 默认构造函数

You must define a default constructor if your class defines member variables and has no other constructors. Otherwise the compiler will do it for you, badly.



The default constructor is called when we new a class object with no arguments. It is always called when calling new[] (for arrays).




Initializing structures by default, to hold “impossible” values, makes debugging much easier.




Extra work for you, the code writer.





If your class defines member variables and has no other constructors you must define adefault constructor (one that takes no arguments). It should preferably initialize the object in such a way that its internal state is consistent andvalid.


The reason for this is that if you have no other constructors and do not definea a default constructor, the compiler will generate one for you. This compiler generatedconstructor may not initialize your object sensibly.


If your class inherits from an existing class but you add no new member variables, you are not required to have a default constructor.


1.3 Explicit Constructors显式构造函数

Use the C++ keyword explicit for constructors with one argument.



Normally, if aconstructor takes one argument, it can be used as a conversion. For instance, if you define Foo::Foo(string name) and then pass a string to a function thatexpects a Foo, the constructor will be called to convert the string into a Foo and will pass the Foo to your function for you. This can be convenient but is also a source of trouble when things get converted and new objects created without you meaning them to. Declaring a constructor explicit prevents it from being invoked implicitly as a conversion.


一般来说,如果一个构造函数只有一个参数,这个参数是允许进行隐式转换的。例如,如果定义了一个Foo::Foo(string name),然后向一个接受Foo类型的参数的函数传递一个string,这个构造函数就会被调用,将string对象构建为一个Foo对象,再将这个Foo对象传递给接受它的函数。这会方便我们使用,但也会引发一类你不需要的转换6 和创建新对象的问题。将一个构造函数声明为explicit可以避免隐式转换。


Avoid sundesirable conversions.








We require all single argument constructors to be explicit. Always put explicit in front of one-argument constructors in the class definition: explicit Foo(string name);

The exception is copy constructors, which, in the rare cases when we allow them, should probably not be explicit. Classes that are intended to be transparent wrappers around other classes are also exceptions. Such exceptions should be clearly marked with comments.




1.4 CopyConstructors 复制构造函数

Provide a copy constructor and assignment operator only when necessary. Otherwise, disable them with DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN.



The copy constructor and assignment operator are used to create copies of objects. The copy constructor is implicitly invoked by the compiler in some situations, e.g.passing objects by value.




Copy constructors make it easy to copy objects. STL containers require that allcontents be copyable and assignable. Copy constructors can be more efficient than Copy From()-style work arounds because they combine construction with copying, the compiler can elide them in some contexts, and they make it easier to avoid heap allocation.




Implicit copying of objects in C++ is a rich source of bugs and of performance problems. It also reduces readability, as it becomes hard to track which objects are being passed around by value as opposed to by reference, and therefore where changes to an object are reflected.





Few classes need to be copyable. Most should have neither a copy constructor nor an assignment operator. In many situations, a pointer or reference will work just as well asa copied value, with better performance. For example, you can pass function parameters by reference or pointer instead of by value, and you can store pointers rather than objects in an STL container.


If your class needs to be copyable, prefer providing a copy method, such as CopyFrom() or Clone(), rather than a copy constructor, because such methods cannot be invoked implicitly. If a copy method is insufficient in your situation (e.g. for performance reasons, or because your class needs to be stored by value in an STL container), provide both a copy constructor and assignment operator.


If your class does not need a copy constructor or assignment operator, you must explicitly disable them. To do so, add dummy declarations for the copy constructor and assignment operator in the private: section of your class, but do not provide any corresponding definition (so that any attempt to use them results in a link error).


For convenience, a DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN macro can be used:


// A macro to disallow the copy constructorand operator= functions
// This should be used in the private:declarations for a class需要用在private域中

  TypeName(const TypeName&);               \
  void operator=(const TypeName&)

Then, in class Foo:


class Foo {
   Foo(int f);


1.5 Structsvs. Classes 结构体 VS 类

Use a structonly for passive objects that carry data; everything else is a class.

仅当只有数据时使用 struct9 ;其它的都用class。

The struct andclass keywords behave almost identically in C++. We add our own semantic meanings to each keyword, so you should use the appropriate keyword for the data-type you're defining.


structs should be used for passive objects that carry data, and may have associated constants, but lack any functionality other than access/setting the data members. Theaccessing/setting of fields is done by directly accessing the fields rather than through method invocations. Methods should not provide behavior but shouldonly be used to set up the data members, e.g., constructor, destructor, Initialize(), Reset(), Validate().


If more functionality is required, a class is more appropriate. If in doubt, make it aclass.


For consistency with STL, you can use struct instead of class for functors and traits.


Note that member variables in structs and classes have different naming rules.


1.6 Inheritance 继承

Composition isoften more appropriate than inheritance. When using inheritance, make itpublic.



When a sub-classinherits from a base class, it includes the definitions of all the data and operations that the parent base class defines. In practice, inheritance is usedin two major ways in C++: implementation inheritance, in which actual code isinherited by the child, and interface inheritance, in which only method names are inherited.




Implementation inheritance reduces code size by re-using the base class code as it specializesan existing type. Because inheritance is a compile-time declaration, you and the compiler can understand the operation and detect errors. Interface inheritance can be used to programmatically enforce that a class expose aparticular API. Again, the compiler can detect errors, in this case, when a class does not define a necessary method of the API.




For implementation inheritance, because the code implementing a sub-class is spread between the base and the sub-class, it can be more difficult to understand an implementation. The sub-class cannot override functions that are not virtual,so the sub-class cannot change implementation. The base class may also define some data members, so that specifies physical layout of the base class.





All inheritance should be public. If you want to do private inheritance, you should be including an instance of the base class as a member instead.


Do not over use implementation inheritance. Composition is often more appropriate. Try to restrict use of inheritance to the “is-a” case: Bar subclasses Foo if it can reasonably be said that Bar “is a kind of” Foo.


Make your destructor virtual if necessary. If your class has virtual methods, its destructor should be virtual.


Limit the use of protected to those member functions that might need to be accessed from subclasses. Note that data members should be private.


When redefining an inherited virtual function, explicitly declare it virtual in the declaration of the derived class. Rationale: If virtual is omitted, the reader has to checkall ancestors of the class in question to determine if the function is virtualor not.


1.7 MultipleInheritance 多重继承

Only very rarely is multiple implementation inheritance actually useful. We allow multiple inheritance only when at most one of the base classes has an implementation;all other base classes must be pure interface classes tagged with the Interface suffix.

多重继承只有在非常有限的场合比较有用。我们只允许有实现的基类不超过一个的多重继承15 ;所有其它的基类都应该是用Interface后缀标记的纯接口类。


Multiple inheritance allows a sub-class to have more than one base class. We distinguish between base classes that are pure interfaces and those that have an implementation.




Multiple implementation inheritance may let you re-use even more code than single inheritance.




Only very rarely is multiple implementation inheritance actually useful. When multiple implementation inheritance seems like the solution, you can usually find a different, more explicit, and cleaner solution.




Multiple inheritance is allowed only when all super classes, with the possible exception of the first one, are pure interfaces. In order to ensure that they remain pure interfaces, they must end with the Interface suffix.



Note: There isan exception to this rule on Windows.


1.8 Interfaces 接口

Classes that satisfy certain conditions are allowed, but not required, to end with an Interface suffix.



A class is a pure interface if it meets the following requirements:

  1. It has only public pure virtual(“= 0”) methods and static methods (but see below for destructor).

  2. It may not have non-static datamembers.

  3. It need not have any constructors defined. If a constructor is provided, it must take no arguments and it must be protected.

  4. If it is a subclass, it may only be derived from classes that satisfy these conditions and are tagged withthe Interface suffix.



  1. 它只有公开的纯虚方法(“=0”)和静态方法(但看下面的析构函数一节)。

  2. 它没有非静态的数据成员。

  3. 它不需要定义任何构造函数16 。提供的构造函数必须是没有参数且是受保护的。

  4. 如果它是一个子类,它只能从同样满足这些条件且有着Interface后缀标记的类中派生出来17

An interface class can never be directly instantiated because of the pure virtual method(s)it declares. To make sure all implementations of the interface can be destroyed correctly, the interface must also declare a virtual destructor (in anexception to the first rule, this should not be pure). See Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 3rd edition, section 12.4 for details.



Tagging a class with the Interface suffix lets others know that they must not add implemented methods or non static data members. This is particularly important in the caseof multiple inheritance. Additionally, the interface concept is already well-understood by Java programmers.




The Interface suffix lengthens the class name, which can make it harder to read and understand. Also, the interface property may be considered an implementation detail that shouldn't be exposed to clients.




A class may end with Interface only if it meets the above requirements. We do not require the converse, however: classes that meet the above requirements are not required to end with Interface.



1.9 OperatorOverloading 操作符重载

Do not overload operators except in rare, special circumstances.



A class can define that operators such as + and / operate on the class as if it were abuilt-in type.




Can make code appear more intuitive because a class will behave in the same way as built-intypes (such as int). Overloaded operators are more playful names for functions that are less-colorfully named, such as Equals() or Add(). For some template functions to work correctly, you may need to define operators.


能令代码看起来更直观,因为类与内建类型有着相同的表现(比如int)。重载运算符使 Equals()、Add()等函数名黯然失色。为了让一些函数模板正确工作,你可能必须定义某些操作符。


While operator overloading can make code more intuitive, it has several drawbacks:

  1. It can fool our intuition into thinking that expensive operations are cheap, built-in operations.

  2. It is much harder to find the call sites for overloaded operators. Searching for Equals() is much easier than searching for relevant invocations of ==.

  3. Some operators work on pointers too, making it easy to introduce bugs. Foo + 4 may do one thing, while &Foo+ 4 does something totally different. The compiler does not complain for eitherof these, making this very hard to debug.



  1. 这会误导我们的直觉,使我们相信代价昂贵的操作其实是廉价的内建操作。

  2. 想发现重载的操作的调用点变得更困难了。查找Equals()发生的位置要比查找“==“操作符来的容易得多。

  3. 一些操作符也工作在指针上,这更容易引入bug。Foo+4是一种操作,而&Foo+4却是完全不同的另一种操作。编译器是不会抱怨这种事的,这导致很难对此进行调试。

Overloading also has surprising ramifications. For instance, if a class overloads unary operator&, it cannot safely be forward-declared.




In general, donot overload operators. The assignment operator (operator=), in particular, is insidious and should be avoided. You can define functions like Equals() andCopyFrom() if you need them. Likewise, avoid the dangerous unary operator &at all costs, if there's any possibility the class might be forward-declared.


However, there may be rare cases where you need to overload an operator to interoperate with templates or “standard” C++ classes (such asoperator«(ostream&, const T&) for logging). These are acceptable if fully justified, but you should try to avoid these whenever possible. In particular, do not overload operator== or operator< just so that your class can be used as a key in an STL container; instead, you should create equality and comparison functor types when declaring the container.

但是,也有一些少见的情况,你需要重载操作符来与模板或是标准C++类交互(例如operator«(ostream&,const T&))。只有被证明是完全合理的才能重载,但还是要尽量避免重载。尤其是,不要为了类能充当STL容器的键值就重载“==“或”<“;你应该在声明容器的时候用”==“和”<“的仿函数算子。

Some of the STL algorithms do require you to overload operator==, and you may do so in these cases, provided you document why.


See also CopyConstructors and Function Overloading.

1.10 AccessControl 访问控制

Make data members private, and provide access to them through accessor functions as needed (for technical reasons, we allow data members of a test fixture class to be protected when using Google Test). Typically a variable would be called foo_ and the accessor function get_foo(). You may also want a mutator function set_foo(). Exception: static const data members (typically called kFoo) need not be private.


The definitions of accessors are usually inlined in the header file.


See also Inheritance and Function Names.

1.11 DeclarationOrder 声明顺序

Use the specified order of declarations within a class: public: before private:,methods before data members (variables), etc.


Your class definition should start with its public: section, followed by its protected: section and then its private: section. If any of these sections are empty, omitthem.


Within each section, the declarations generally should be in the following order:

  1. Typedefs and Enums

  2. Constants (static const datamembers)

  3. Constructors

  4. Destructor

  5. Methods, including staticmethods

  6. Data Members (except staticconst data members)


  1. 自定义别名和枚举

  2. 常量(静态常量)

  3. 构造函数

  4. 析构函数

  5. 方法,包括静态方法

  6. 数据成员(除了静态常量成员)

Friend declarations should always be in the private section, and the DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN macro invocation should be at the end of the private: section. It should be the last thing in the class. See Copy Constructors.


Method definitions in the corresponding .cc file should be the same as the declarationorder, as much as possible.


Do not put large method definitions inline in the class definition. Usually, only trivial or performance-critical, and very short, methods may be defined inline. See Inline Functions for more details.


1.12 WriteShort Functions 写短的函数

Prefer small and focused functions.


We recognize that long functions are sometimes appropriate, so no hard limit is placed on functions length. If a function exceeds about 40 lines, think about whether itcan be broken up without harming the structure of the program.


Even if your long function works perfectly now, someone modifying it in a few months may add new behavior. This could result in bugs that are hard to find. Keeping yourfunctions short and simple makes it easier for other people to read and modify your code.


You could find long and complicated functions when working with some code. Do not be intimidated by modifying existing code: if working with such a function proves to be difficult, you find that errors are hard to debug, or you want to use a piece of it in several different contexts, consider breaking up the function into smaller and more manageable pieces.


2 Google-Specific Magic 谷歌特有的技巧

There are various tricks and utilities that we use to make C++ code more robust, and various ways we use C++ that may differ from what you see elsewhere.

我们使用许多窍门和实用技巧来让C++代码更强健,我们使用C ++的各种方法也可能不同于你在其它地方见到的。

2.1 SmartPointers 智能指针

If you actually need pointer semantics, scoped_ptr is great. You should only use std::tr1::shared_ptr with a non-const referent when it is truly necessary to share ownership of an object (e.g. inside an STL container). You should never use auto_ptr.



“Smart” pointers are objects that act like pointers, but automate management of the underlying memory.




Smart pointers are extremely useful for preventing memory leaks, and are essential for writing exception-safe code. They also formalize and document the ownership of dynamically allocated memory.




We prefer designs in which objects have single, fixed owners. Smart pointers which enable sharing or transfer of ownership can act as a tempting alternative to a careful design of ownership semantics, leading to confusing code and even bugs in which memory is never deleted. The semantics of smart pointers (especially auto_ptr) can be nonobvious and confusing. The exception-safety benefits of smartpointers are not decisive, since we do not allow exceptions.





scoped_ptr Straight forward and risk-free. Use wherever appropriate.


auto_ptr21 Confusing and bug-prone ownership-transfer semantics. Do not use.


shared_ptr Safe with const referents (i.e.shared_ptr). Reference-counted pointers with non-const referents can occasionally be the best design, but try to rewrite with single owners where possible.


2.2 cpplint c++代码静态检查工具

Use cpplint.pyto detect style errors.

用cpplint.py来检查格式错误。 is a tool that reads a source file and identifies many style errors. It is not perfect, and has both false positives and false negatives, but it is still avaluable tool. False positives can be ignored by putting // NOLINT at the endof the line.


Some projects have instructions on how to run from their project tools. If the project you are contributing to does not, you can download separately.

3 Other C++ Features 其它C++特性

3.1 Reference Arguments 引用参数

All parameters passed by reference must be labeled const.



In C, if a function needs to modify a variable, the parameter must use a pointer, eg int foo(int *pval). In C++, the function can alternatively declare a reference parameter: int foo(int &val).


在C中,如果一个函数需要修改一个变量,就必须使用指针参数,如int foo(int *pval)。在C++中,函数还可以声明一个引用参数:int foo(int &val)


Defining a parameter as reference avoids ugly code like (*pval)++. Necessary for some applications like copy constructors. Makes it clear, unlike with pointers, that a null pointer is not a possible value.


将参数定义为引用能避免像(*pval)++这样丑陋的代码。在一些应用场合必须使用引用,比如复制构造函数。而且更明确, 不接受 NULL 指针22 .


References can be confusing, as they have value syntax but pointer semantics.





Within function parameter lists all references must be const:


void Foo(const string &in, string *out);

In fact it is a very strong convention in Google code that input arguments are values or const references while output arguments are pointers. Input parameters may be const pointers, but we never allow non-const reference parameters.


However, there are some instances where using const T* is preferable to const T& for input parameters. For example:

  1. You want to pass in a null pointer.

  2. The function saves a pointer or reference to the input.

但是也有一些场合用const T*当输入参数要比const T&好。例如:

  1. 你想传递进空指针。

  2. 这个函数要保存指向输入的指针或引用23

Remember that most of the time input parameters are going to be specified as const T&. Using const T* instead communicates to the reader that the input is somehow treated differently. So if you choose const T* rather than const T&, do so for a concrete reason; otherwise it will likely confuse readers by making them lookfor an explanation that doesn't exist.


3.2 Function Overloading 函数重载

Use overloaded functions (including constructors) only if a reader looking at a call site canget a good idea of what is happening without having to first figure out exactly which overload is being called.



You may write a function that takes a const string& and overload it with another that takes const char*.


你可以写一个接受const string&参数的函数,再写一个接受const char*版本的重载函数。

class MyClass {
  voidAnalyze(const string &text);
  voidAnalyze(const char *text, size_t textlen);


Overloading can make code more intuitive by allowing an identically-named function to take different arguments. It may be necessary for templatized code, and it can be convenient for Visitors.




If a function is overloaded by the argument types alone, a reader may have to understand C++'scomplex matching rules in order to tell what's going on. Also many people are confused by the semantics of inheritance if a derived class overrides only some of the variants of a function.


如果一个函数只通过参数来区分各个重载版本,读者可能需要去理解C++的复杂的匹配原则才能知道发生了什么。而如果一个派生类只重写了一部分版本的函数,许多人也会被继承的语义24 所迷惑。


If you want to overload a function, consider qualifying the name with some information about the arguments, e.g., AppendString(), AppendInt() rather than just Append().



3.3 Default Arguments 默认参数

We do not allow default function parameters, except in limited situations as explained below. Simulate them with function overloading instead, if appropriate.



Often you have a function that uses default values, but occasionally you want to override the defaults. Default parameters allow an easy way to do this without having to define many functions for the rare exceptions. Compared to overloading the function, default arguments have a cleaner syntax, with less boilerplate and a clearer distinction between 'required' and 'optional' arguments.




Function pointers are confusing in the presence of default arguments, since the function signature often doesn't match the call signature. Adding a default argument to an existing function changes its type, which can cause problems with code taking its address. Adding function overloads avoids these problems. In addition, default parameters may result in bulkier code since they arer eplicated at every call-site – as opposed to overloaded functions, where “the default” appears only in the function definition.





While the cons above are not that onerous, they still outweigh the (small) benefits of default arguments over function overloading. So except as described below, we require all arguments to be explicitly specified.


One specific exception is when the function is a static function (or in an unnamed namespace) in a .cc file. In this case, the cons don't apply since the function's use is so localized.


Another specific exception is when default arguments are used to simulate variable-length argument lists.


// Support up to 4 params by using a defaultempty AlphaNum.最多支持4个参数
string StrCat(const AlphaNum &a,
              const AlphaNum &b = gEmptyAlphaNum,
              const AlphaNum &c = gEmptyAlphaNum,
              const AlphaNum &d = gEmptyAlphaNum);

3.4 Variable-Length Arrays and alloca() 变长数组和alloca()

We do not allow variable-length arrays or alloca()25 .



Variable-length arrays have natural-looking syntax. Both variable-length arrays and alloca()are very efficient.




Variable-length arrays and alloca are not part of Standard C++. More importantly, they allocatea data-dependent amount of stack space that can trigger difficult-to-findmemory overwriting bugs: “It ran fine on my machine, but dies my steriously in production”.


变长数组和alloca()函数不是标准C++的一部分。更重要的是,它们在栈上分配的空间与实际的数据有关,可能会导致一些很难发现的内存覆盖26问题:“在我的机器上好使,但发布出去就莫名其妙的退出27 了”。


Use a safe allocator instead, such as scoped_ptr/scoped_array.



3.5 Friends 友元

We allow use of friend classes and functions, within reason.


Friends should usually be defined in the same file so that the reader does not have to look in another file to find uses of the private members of a class. A common use of friendis to have a FooBuilder class be a friend of Foo so that it can construct the inner state of Foo correctly, without exposing this state to the world. In somecases it may be useful to make a unit test class a friend of the class it tests.


Friends extend,but do not break, the encapsulation boundary of a class. In some cases this is better than making a member public when you want to give only one other classaccess to it. However, most classes should interact with other classes solely through their public members.


3.6 Exceptions 异常

We do not use C++ exceptions.



  1. Exceptions allow higher levelsof an application to decide how to handle “can't happen” failures indeeply nested functions, without the obscuring and error-prone bookkeeping of error codes.

  2. Exceptions are used by most other modern languages. Using them in C++ would make it more consistent with Python, Java, and the C++ that others are familiar with.

  3. Some third-party C++ librariesuse exceptions, and turning them off internally makes it harder to integrate with those libraries.

  4. Exceptions are the only way for a constructor to fail. We can simulate this with a factory function or an Init() method, but these require heap allocation or a new “invalid” state, respectively.

  5. Exceptions are really handy intesting frameworks.


  1. 异常允许上层应用程序决定如何处理底层嵌套函数出现的“不该发生“的错误,而不是用模糊且易错的错误码记录30

  2. 大数数其它现代语言中都包含异常。在C++中使用异常有助于保持与Python、Java和其它与C++类似的语言的兼容。

  3. 一些第三方C++库使用异常,如果禁用异常的话就很难与这些库整合了。

  4. 异常是处理构造函数失败的唯一方法。我们能用工厂函数或Init()来模拟这个特性,但这些分别需要进行堆的分配或是新增一个“无效”状态。

  5. 在测试框架内异常很容易使用。


  1. When you add a throw statement to an existing function, you must examine all of its transitive callers. Either they must make at least the basic exception safety guarantee, or they must never catch the exception and be happy with the program terminating as a result. For instance, if f() calls g() calls h(), and h throws an exception that f catches, g has to be careful or it may not clean up properly.

  2. More generally, exceptions make the control flow of programs difficult to evaluate by looking at code:functions may return in places you don't expect. This causes maintainability and debugging difficulties. You can minimize this cost via some rules on how and where exceptions can be used, but at the cost of more that a developer needs to know and understand.

  3. Exception safety requires both RAII and different coding practices. Lots of supporting machinery is needed to make writing correct exception-safe code easy. Further, to avoid requiring readers to understand the entire call graph, exception-safe code must isolate logic that writes to persistent state into a “commit” phase. This will have both benefits and costs (perhaps where you're forced to obfuscate code to isolate the commit). Allowing exceptions would force us to always pay those costs even when they're not worth it.

  4. Turning on exceptions adds data to each binary produced, increasing compile time (probably slightly) and possibly increasing address space pressure.

  5. The availability of exceptions may encourage developers to throw them when they are not appropriate or recover from them when it's not safe to do so. For example, invalid user input should not cause exceptions to be thrown. We would need to make the style guide even longer to document these restrictions!


  1. 在现有函数中增加throw语句时,你必须检查所有调用点。所有调用点必须至少做出基本的异常安全保证,否则永远捕捉不到这个异常,而只能“笑着“面对程序终止的结果。例如,如果f()调用了g(),g()调用了h(),h抛出的异常被f捕捉,那g就需要当心是否未妥善处理。

  2. 更普遍地,使用异常导致只看代码很难评估程序的控制流:函数可能会在你不期望的位置返回。这加大了维护和调试的难度。你可以通过规定异常使用的方式和位置来降低开销,但是让开发人员必须掌握并理解这些规定带来的代价更大。

  3. 异常安全需要同时使用RAII和不同编程实践。想轻松写出正确的异常安全的代码需要很多支持机制。另外,要避免要求读者理解整个调用体系,异常安全的代码必须将写入持久化状态的逻辑31 隔离到“提交“阶段。这么做既有收益也有开销(也许你被迫故意写出模糊的代码来隔离提交)。允许异常会强迫我们总是承担这些开销,就算我们觉得不划算。

  4. 开启异常会增加每个二进制文件的数据量,延长编译时间(可能是轻微的),还有可能增加地址空间压力32

  5. 允许使用异常,可能会怂恿开发者在不恰当的场合抛出异常或是在不安全的地方从异常中恢复。例如,用户输入不合法不应该抛出异常。如果我们要完全列出这些约束, 这份风格指南会长出很多!



On their face, the benefits of using exceptions outweigh the costs, especially in new projects. However, for existing code, the introduction of exceptions has implications on all dependent code. If exceptions can be propagated beyond a new project, it also becomes problematic to integrate the new project into existing exception-free code. Because most existing C++ code at Google is not prepared to deal with exceptions, it is comparatively difficult to adopt new code that generates exceptions.


Given that Google's existing code is not exception-tolerant, the costs of using exceptions are some what greater than the costs in a new project. The conversion process would be slow and error-prone. We don't believe that the available alternatives to exceptions, such as error codes and assertions, introduce a significant burden.


Our advice against using exceptions is not predicated on philosophical or moral grounds, but practical ones. Because we'd like to use our open-source projects at Googleand it's difficult to do so if those projects use exceptions, we need to advise against exceptions in Google open-source projects as well. Things would probably be different if we had to do it all over again from scratch.


There is an exception to this rule (no pun intended) for Windows code.

对于 Windows 代码来说, 有个特例.

3.7 Run-TimeType Information (RTTI) 运行时类型信息

Avoid using RunTime Type Information (RTTI).



RTTI allows a programmer to query the C++ class of an object at run time. This is done by use of typeid or dynamic_cast.





Querying the type of an object at run-time frequently means a design problem. Needing to know the type of an object at runtime is often an indication that the design ofyour class hierarchy is flawed.


Undisciplineduse of RTTI makes code hard to maintain. It can lead to type-based decision trees or switch statements scattered throughout the code, all of which must be examined when making further changes.




The standard alternatives to RTTI (described below) require modification or redesign of the class hierarchy in question. Sometimes such modifications are infeasible orundesirable, particularly in widely-used or mature code.


RTTI can beuseful in some unit tests. For example, it is useful in tests of factory classes where the test has to verify that a newly created object has the expected dynamic type. It is also useful in managing the relationship between objects and their mocks.


RTTI is useful when considering multiple abstract objects. Consider


bool Base::Equal(Base* other) = 0;
bool Derived::Equal(Base* other) {
 Derived* that = dynamic_cast<Derived*>(other);
 if(that == NULL) // other的类型不是Derived
   return false;



RTTI has legitimate uses but is prone to abuse, so you must be careful when using it. You may use it freely in unit tests, but avoid it when possible in other code. In particular, think twice before using RTTI in new code. If you find yourself needing to write code that behaves differently based on the class of an object, consider one of the following alternatives to querying the type:

  1. Virtual methods are the preferred way of executing different code paths depending on a specific subclass type. This puts the work within the object itself.

  2. If the work belongs outside the object and instead in some processing code, consider a double-dispatch solution, such as the Visitor design pattern. This allows a facility outside the object itself to determine the type of class using the built-in type system.

RTTI有着正当的用途,但很容易被滥用,所以用的时候一定要小心。在单元测试中你可以随便用,但在其它场合就要尽量避免用它。尤其在新代码中使用RTTI要三思。如果你发现你需要写对于不同类型的对象有着不同的行为的代码,就考虑用下面的一种方法来获取其类34 型:

  1. 不同子类执行不同代码的情况下推荐使用虚函数。这就把工作交给对象自己了。

  2. 如果要进行的工作属于类外面的处理代码,考虑使用双重分派方案,如访问者模式。这种方法允许在对象之外确定其内在类型。

When the logic of a program guarantees that a given instance of a base class is in fact an instance of a particular derived class, then a dynamic_cast may be used freely on the object. Usually one can use a static_cast as an alternative in such situations.


Decision trees based on type are a strong indication that your code is on the wrong track.


if (typeid(*data) == typeid(D1)) {
} else if (typeid(*data) == typeid(D2)) {
} else if (typeid(*data) == typeid(D3)) {

Code such as this usually breaks when additional subclasses are added to the class hierarchy. Moreover, when properties of a subclass change, it is difficult to find and modify all the affected code segments.


Do not hand-implement an RTTI-like work around. The arguments against RTTI apply just as much to work arounds like class hierarchies with type tags. Moreover, work arounds disguise your true intent.


3.8 Casting 转换

Use C++ casts like static_cast<>(). Do not use other cast formats like int y = (int)x; or int y = int(x);.



C++ introduced a different cast system from C that distinguishes the types of cast operations.




The problem with C casts is the ambiguity of the operation; sometimes you are doing a conversion(e.g., (int)3.5) and sometimes you are doing a cast (e.g.,(int)”hello”); C++ casts avoid this. Additionally C++ casts are more visible when searching for them.


C风格的转换的主要问题是操作的含义太模糊了:有时是数值转换(如(int)3.5),有时是类型转换(如(int)”hello”);C++的转换就避免了这一点37 。另外,C++的转换更容易被搜索到。


The syntax is nasty.





Do not use C-style casts. Instead, use these C++-style casts.

  1. Use static_cast as the equivalent of a C-style cast that does value conversion, or when you need to explicitly up-cast a pointer from a class to its super class.

  2. Use const_cast to remove the const qualifier (see const).

  3. Use reinterpret_cast to do unsafe conversions of pointer types to and from integer and other pointer types. Use this only if you know what you are doing and you understand the aliasing issues.


  1. 用static_cast进行数值转换,或是显式的将一个类的指针转为它的子类的指针。

  2. 用const_cast去掉常量性质。

  3. 用reinterpret_cast进行不安全的指针间转换或整型转指针操作。只有在你清楚操作的含义及可能的后果时才能使用这种转换。

See the RTTI section for guidance on the use of dynamic_cast.


3.9 Streams 流

Use streams only for logging.



Streams are are placement for printf() and scanf().




With streams, you do not need to know the type of the object you are printing. You do not have problems with format strings not matching the argument list. (Though withgcc, you do not have that problem with printf either.) Streams have automatic constructors and destructors that open and close the relevant files.




Streams make it difficult to do functionality like pread(). Some formatting (particularly thecommon format string idiom %.*s) is difficult if not impossible to do efficiently using streams without using printf-like hacks. Streams do not support operator reordering (the %1s directive), which is helpful for internationalization.


流使得pread()等功能函数38 很难执行。一些格式化操作(尤其是常见的字符串格式符%.*s),如果不用printf风格的格式字符串,很难用流高效的实现。流不支持操作符重排序(%1s指令),而这对于国际化很有帮助。



Do not use streams, except where required by a logging interface. Use printf-like routines instead.


There are various pros and cons to using streams, but in this case, as in many othercases, consistency trumps the debate. Do not use streams in your code.


Extended Discussion 扩展讨论

There has been debate on this issue, so this explains the reasoning in greater depth. Recallthe Only One Way guiding principle: we want to make sure that whenever we do a certain type of I/O, the code looks the same in all those places. Because of this, we do not want to allow users to decide between using streams or using printf plus Read/Write/etc. Instead, we should settle on one or the other. We made an exception for logging because it is a pretty specialized application, and for historical reasons.

这个问题上有争论,所以这里在更深的层次解释原因。回想一下唯一性原则指导规则:我们希望在任何时候都只使用一种确定的 I/O 类型,使代码在所有 I/O 处都保持一致。因此我们不想允许用户去决定是用流还是用printf+read/write。相反,我们应该确定用其中一个。我们将日志记录设为一种例外,因为这是一种很具体的应用,而且还有历史原因。

Proponents of streams have argued that streams are the obvious choice of the two, but the issue is not actually so clear. For every advantage of streams they point out,there is an equivalent disadvantage. The biggest advantage is that you do not need to know the type of the object to be printing. This is a fair point. But, there is a downside: you can easily use the wrong type, and the compiler willnot warn you. It is easy to make this kind of mistake without knowing when using streams.


cout << this;   // Prints the address打印地址
cout << *this;  // Prints the contents打印内容

The compiler does not generate an error because « has been overloaded. We discourage overloading for just this reason.


Some say printf formatting is ugly and hard to read, but streams are often no better. Consider the following two fragments, both with the same typo. Which is easier to discover?


cerr << "Error connecting to'" << foo->bar()->hostname.first
     << ":" << foo->bar()->hostname.second<< ": " << strerror(errno);

fprintf(stderr, "Error connecting to'%s:%u: %s",
        foo->bar()->hostname.first, foo->bar()->hostname.second,

And so on and so forth for any issue you might bring up. (You could argue, “Things would bebetter with the right wrappers,” but if it is true for one scheme, is it not also true for the other? Also, remember the goal is to make the language smaller, not add yet more machinery that someone has to learn.)


Either path would yield different advantages and disadvantages, and there is not a clearly superior solution. The simplicity doctrine mandates we settle on one of them though, and the majority decision was on printf + read/write.


3.10 Preincrementand Predecrement 前缀++和前缀–

Use prefix form(++i) of the increment and decrement operators with iterators and other template objects.

对于迭代器和其他模板对象使用前缀形式 (++i) 的自增、自减运算符。


When a variableis incremented (++i or i++) or decremented (–i or i–) and the value of the expression is not used, one must decide whether to preincrement (decrement) or post increment (decrement).




When the return value is ignored, the “pre” form (++i) is never less efficient than the “post” form (i++), and is often more efficient. This is because post-increment (or decrement) requires a copy of i to be made, which is the value of the expression. If i is an iterator or other non-scalar type, copyingi could be expensive. Since the two types of increment behave the same when the value is ignored, why not just always pre-increment?




The tradition developed, in C, of using post-increment when the expression value is not used, especially in for loops. Some find post-increment easier to read, since the”subject” (i) precedes the “verb” (++), just like in English.



For simple scalar (non-object) values there is no reason to prefer one form and we allow either. For iterators and other template types, use pre-increment.



3.11 Use ofconst 常量的使用

Use const whenever it makes sense.



Declared variables and parameters can be preceded by the keyword const to indicate the variables are not changed (e.g., const int foo). Class functions can have the const qualifier to indicate the function does not change the state of the class member variables (e.g., class Foo { int Bar(char c) const; };).


变量和参数声明时,可以在前面加上关键字const以表示这个变量的值不会被改变(例如constint foo)。类的成员函数也可以加const,表示这个函数不会改变类的成员变量的状态。


Easier for people to understand how variables are being used. Allows the compiler to dobetter type checking, and, conceivably, generate better code.Helps people convince themselves of program correctness because they know the functions they call are limited in how they can modify your variables. Helps people know what functions are safe to use without locks in multi-threaded programs.




const is viral:if you pass a const variable to a function, that function must have const inits prototype (or the variable will need a const_cast). This can be aparticular problem when calling library functions.





const variables, data members, methods and arguments add a level of compile-time type checking; it is better to detect errors as soon as possible. Therefore we strongly recommend that you use const whenever it makes sense to do so:

  1. If a function does not modify an argument passed by reference or by pointer, that argument should be const.

  2. Declare methods to be const whenever possible. Accessors should almost always be const. Other methods should be const if they do not modify any data members, do not call anynon-const methods, and do not return a non-const pointer or non-const referenceto a data member.

  3. Consider making data members const whenever they do not need to be modified after construction.


  1. 如果函数不会修改传递来的引用或指针参数,这个参数应该是常量。

  2. 任何能声明为const的函数都要如此声明。取值函数总该是const。其它函数如果不修改任何成员的值,也不调用任何非常量的方法,且不返回指向数据成员的非常量的指针引用时,也应该声明为const。

  3. 如果一个数据成员在构造结束后就不会改变了,就考虑将它声明为常量。

The mutable keyword is allowed but is unsafe when used with threads, so thread safety should be carefully considered first.


Where to put the const 把const放在哪

Some people favor the form int const foo to const int foo. They argue that this is more readable because it's more consistent: it keeps the rule that const always follows the object it's describing. However, this consistency argument doesn't apply in code bases with few deeply-nested pointer expressions since most const expressions have only one const, and it applies to the underlying value. In such cases, there's no consistency to maintain. Putting the const first is arguably more readable, since it follows English in putting the “adjective” (const) before the “noun” (int).

有人更喜欢int const *foo的形式,而不是const int *foo。他们说这么更有可读性,因为这种做法更有一致性:它满足这样一条规则,const应该总是跟着它修饰的对象。但是,这种一致性的说法并不适用于深度嵌套的指针表达式很少的代码库,因为大多数常量表达式只有一个const符,一致性的价值体现的不明显。这种情况下不用维护一致性。有观点认为把const放前面更容易阅读,因为它满足英语语法:把形容性(const)放到名字(int)前。

That said, while we encourage putting const first, we do not require it. But be consistent with the code around you!


3.12 IntegerTypes 整数类型

Of the built-in C++ integer types, the only one used is int. If a program needs a variable of a different size, use a precise-width integer type from <stdint.h>, such as int16_t.



C++ does not specify the sizes of its integer types. Typically people assume that short is 16 bits, int is 32 bits, long is 32 bits and long long is 64bits.




Uniformity ofdeclaration.




The sizes of integral types in C++ can vary based on compiler and architecture.





<stdint.h> defines types like int16_t, uint32_t, int64_t, etc. You should always use those in preference to short, unsigned long long and the like, when you need aguarantee on the size of an integer. Of the C integer types, only int should be used. When appropriate, you are welcome to use standard types like size_t and ptrdiff_t.

<stdint.h> 中定义了如int16_tuint32_tint64_t等类型。如果你要求确保整型的大小,你应该用这些类型替代shortunsigned long long等写法。在C的整型类型中,只有int可以用。合适的话,你最好用标准类型,如size_tptrdiff_t

We use int very often, for integers we know are not going to be too big, e.g.,loop counters.Use plain old int for such things. You should assume that an int is at least 32 bits, but don't assume that it has more than 32 bits. If you need a 64-bit integer type, use int64_t or uint64_t.


For integers weknow can be “big”, use int64_t.


You should not use the unsigned integer types such as uint32_t, unless the quantity you are representing is really a bit pattern rather than a number, or unless you need defined twos-complement overflow. In particular, do not use unsigned types tosay a number will never be negative. Instead, use assertions for this.

你不应该用无符号整型,如uint32_t,除非你在表示一个位组而不是数字,或是你需要定义二进制补码溢出。尤其是,不要为了指出数值永不为负而使用无符号数。你应 该用断言。

On Unsigned Integers 无符号整数

Some people, including some textbook authors, recommend using unsigned types to represent numbers that are never negative. This is intended as a form of self-documentation. However, in C, the advantages of such documentation are outweighed by the real bugs it can introduce. Consider:


for (unsigned int i = foo.Length()-1; i>= 0; --i) ...

This code will never terminate! Sometimes gcc will notice this bug and warn you, but often it will not. Equally bad bugs can occur when comparing signed and unsigned variables. Basically, C's type-promotion scheme causes unsigned types to behave differently than one might expect.


So, documentthat a variable is non-negative using assertions. Don't use an unsigned type.


3.13 64-bit Portability 64位下的可移植性

Code should be 64-bit and 32-bit friendly. Bear in mind problems of printing, comparisons, and structure alignment.


  1. printf() specifiers for sometypes are not cleanly portable between 32-bit and 64-bit systems. C99 defines some portable format specifiers. Unfortunately, MSVC 7.1 does not understand some of these specifiers and the standard is missing a few, so we have to define our own ugly versions in some cases (in the style of the standard include file inttypes.h):


//printf macros for size_t, in the style of inttypes.h
#ifdef _LP64
#define __PRIS_PREFIX "z"
#define __PRIS_PREFIX

//Use these macros after a % in a printf format string
//to get correct 32/64 bit behavior, like this:
//size_t size = records.size();
//printf("%"PRIuS"\n", size);

#define PRIdS __PRIS_PREFIX "d"
#define PRIxS __PRIS_PREFIX "x"
#define PRIuS __PRIS_PREFIX "u"
#define PRIoS __PRIS_PREFIX "o"
Type DO NOT use DO use Notes
void *(any pointer) %lx %p  
int64_t %qd, %lld %”PRId64”  
uint64_t %qu, %llu, %llx %”PRIu64”, %”PRIx64”  
size_t %u %”PRIuS”, %”PRIxS” C99 specifies %zu
ptrdiff_t %d %”PRIdS” C99 specifies %zd

Note that the PRI* macros expand to independent strings which are concatenated by the compiler. Hence if you are using a non-constant format string, you need to insert the value of the macro into the format, rather than the name. It is still possible, as usual, to include length specifiers, etc., after the % when using the PRI* macros. So, e.g. printf(“x = %30”PRIuS”\n”,x) would expand on 32-bit Linux to printf(“x = %30” “u”“\n”, x), which the compiler will treat as printf(“x =%30u\n”, x).

注意到PRI开头的宏展开为了独立的字符串,编译器会串联39 起这些字符串。因此如果你用非常量的格式字符串,你需要将宏的值插入到其中,而不是宏的名字。通常用PRI宏后还是能在%后面加上长度标识的。例如,printf("x =%30"PRIuS"\n", x)在32位Linux下会被展开为printf("x = %30" "u""\n", x),编译器会将其视为printf("x = %30u\n", x)

  1. Remember that sizeof(void *) != sizeof(int). Use intptr_t if you want a pointer-sized integer.


  1. You may need to be careful with structure alignments, particularly for structures being stored on disk. Anyclass/structure with a int64_t/uint64_t member will by default end up being8-byte aligned on a 64-bit system. If you have such structures being shared ondisk between 32-bit and 64-bit code, you will need to ensure that they a repacked the same on both architectures. Most compilers offer a way to alter structure alignment. For gcc, you can use __attribute__((packed)). MSVC offers #pragma pack() and __declspec(align()). Use the LL or ULL suffixes as needed to create 64-bit constants. For example:

在结构体对齐时你得小心点,尤其是要存到磁盘上的结构体。在64位系统上,任何包含int64_t/uint64_t成员的类/结构体默认都按8个字节对齐。如果你要在32位和64位的代码中共享使用存放在磁盘上的这种结构体,你需要确保它们在两种架构下都以同样的方式包装。大多数编译器都提供了改变结构体对齐的方法。GCC中你可以用__attribute__((packed))。MSVC中可以用#pragma pack()__declspec(align())。需要创建64位常数时,在后面加上LL或ULL后缀。例如:

int64_t my_value = 0x123456789LL;
uint64_t my_mask = 3ULL << 48;
  1. If you really need different code on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, use #ifdef _LP64 to choose between the code variants. (But please avoid this if possible, and keep any such changes localized.)


3.14 PreprocessorMacros 预处理宏

Be very cautious with macros. Prefer inline functions, enums, and const variables to macros.

要谨慎对待宏40 。用内联函数、枚举量、和常量来代替宏。

Macros mean that the code you see is not the same as the code the compiler sees. This can introduce unexpected behavior, especially since macros have global scope.


Luckily, macros are not nearly as necessary in C++ as they are in C. Instead of using a macro to inline performance-critical code, use an inline function. Instead of using amacro to store a constant, use a const variable. Instead of using a macro to “abbreviate” a long variable name, use a reference. Instead of using a macro to conditionally compile code … well, don't do that at all (except, of course, for the #define guards to prevent double inclusion of header files). It makes testing much more difficult.

幸运的是,在C++中宏不像在C中那么重要41 。不要用宏来展开性能要求高的代码,改用内联函数。不要用宏来存储一个常数,改用常量。不要用宏来为一个名字很长的变量起个较短的别名,改用引用。不要用宏来进行条件编译,改用……好吧,不要进行条件编译(除非是用#define来避免多次引入头文件)。用宏会导致很难进行测试。

Macros can do things these other techniques cannot, and you do see them in the code base, especially in the lower-level libraries. And some of their special features (like stringifying, concatenation, and so forth) are not available through the language proper. But before using a macro, consider carefully whether there's anon-macro way to achieve the same result.

宏能做很多不可替代的工作,你可以在代码库,尤其是底层代码库中看到这些工作。而且宏的一些特性(如字符串化42 ,文本串连,等等等等)无法通过语言特征来实现。但在用宏之前,要仔细考虑是否可以不用宏而达到相同的结果。

The follo wing usage pattern will avoid many problems with macros; if you use macros, followit whenever possible:

  1. Don't define macros in a .h file.

  2. #define macros right before you use them, and #undef them right after.

  3. Do not just #undef an existing macro before replacing it with your own; instead, pick a name that's likely tobe unique.

  4. Try not to use macros that expand to unbalanced C++ constructs, or at least document that behavior well.

  5. Prefer not using ## to generate function/class/variable names.


  1. 不要在.h文件43 中定义宏。

  2. 在马上要用到宏的地方才#define宏,用完立刻#undef。

  3. 不要#undef一个现有的宏,仅仅因为自己的宏要用它的名字;不如为自己的宏取一个独特的名字。

  4. 不要用那些展开后会导致C++构造不稳定的宏,如果非要用,就在文档中说明。

  5. 不推荐使用##44 生成函数/类/变量的名字。

3.15 0 and nullptr/NULL 0和空指针

Use 0 for integers, 0.0 for reals, nullptr (or NULL) for pointers, and '\0' for chars.


Use 0 for integers and 0.0 for reals. This is not controversial.


For pointers (address values), there is a choice between 0 and NULL (and, for C++11, nullptr). For projects that allow C++11 features, use nullptr. For C++03 projects, we prefer NULL because it looks like a pointer. In fact, some C++ compilers provide special definitions of NULL which enable them to give useful warnings, particularly in situations where sizeof(NULL) is not equal to sizeof(0).

对于指针(地址值),可以选择用0或NULL(C++11中还能用nullptr)。对于遵循C++11特性的项目,要用nullptr。对于C++03的项目,推荐用NULL45 ,因为它看起来像指针。事实上,一些C++编译器提供了特殊的NULL定义,可以给出有帮助的警告信息,尤其是sizeof(NULL)不等于sizeof(0)的情况。

Use '\0' for chars. This is the correct type and also makes code more readable.


3.16 sizeof 类型大小

Use sizeof(varname) instead of sizeof(type) whenever possible.


Use sizeof(varname) because it will update appropriately if the type of the variable changes. sizeof(type) may make sense in some cases, but should generally be avoided because it can fall out of sync if the variable's type changes.


Struct data;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));   // 推荐的作法
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(Struct)); // 不推荐的作法

3.17 auto 自动识别类型

Use auto to avoid type names that are just clutter. Continue to use manifest type declarations when it helps readability, and never use auto for anything but local variables.



In C++11, avariable whose type is given as auto will be given a type that matches that of the expression used to initialize it. You can use auto either to initialize avariable by copying, or to bind a reference.


在C++11中,将变量类型设为auto就能自动匹配46 初始化表达式的类型。用auto也能通过复制或是绑定引用来初始化变量类型。47

vector<string> v;
auto s1 = v[0];  // Makes a copy of v[0].
const auto&  s2 = v[0];  // s2 is a reference to v[0].



C++ type names can sometimes be long and cumbersome, especially when they involve templates or namespaces. In a statement like


sparse_hash_map<string, int>::iterator iter = m.find(val);

the return type is hard to read, and obscures the primary purpose of the statement. Changing it to


auto iter = m.find(val);

makes it more readable.


Without auto weare sometimes forced to write a type name twice in the same expression, adding no value for the reader, as in


diagnostics::ErrorStatus* status = newdiagnostics::ErrorStatus("xyz");

Using auto makes it easier to use intermediate variables when appropriate, by reducing the burden of writing their types explicitly.




Sometimes codeis clearer when types are manifest, especially when a variable's initialization depends on things that were declared far away. In an expression like


auto i = x.Lookup(key);

it may not be obvious what i's type is, if x was declared hundreds of lines earlier.

如果x是在好几百行代码前声明的, i的类型就没那么显而易见。

Programmers have to understand the difference between auto and const auto& or they'll get copies when they didn't mean to.

程序员需要懂得auto和const auto&间的区别48 ,否则会在不想复制时出现复制。

The interaction between auto and C++11 brace-initialization can be confusing. (C++11 brace-initialization isn't an approved feature, but this may become relevant when and if it is permitted.) The declarations


auto x(3); // Note: parentheses.
auto y{3}; // Note: curly braces.

mean different things ― x is an int, while y is an initializer_list. The same applies to othernormally-invisible proxy types.

意思完全不同――x是int类型的,但y却是initializer_list类型49 的。同样的情况也出现在其它隐式的代理类型中。

If an auto variable is used as part of an interface, e.g. as a constant in a header, then a programmer might change its type while only intending to change its value, leading to a more radical API change than intended.




auto is permitted, for local variables only. Do not use auto for file-scope or namespace-scope variables, or for class members.


The auto keyword is also used in an unrelated C++11 feature: it's part of the syntax for a new kind of function declaration with a trailing return type. Function declarations with trailing return types are not permitted.


3.18 Boost

Use only approved libraries from the Boost library collection.



The Boost library collection is a popular collection of peer-reviewed, free, open-source C++ libraries.




Boost code is generally very high-quality, is widely portable, and fills many important gaps in the C++ standard library, such as type traits, better binders, and better smart pointers. It also provides an implementation of the TR1 extension to the standard library.




Some Boost libraries encourage coding practices which can hamper readability, such as meta programming and other advanced template techniques, and an excessively “functional” style of programming.





In order to maintain a high level of readability for all contributors who might read and maintain code, we only allow an approved subset of Boost features. Currently, the following libraries are permitted:

  1. Call Traits from boost/call_traits.hpp

  2. Compressed Pair from boost/compressed_pair.hpp

  3. Pointer Container from boost/ptr_container except serialization and wrappers for containers not in the C++03 standard (ptr_circular_buffer.hpp and ptr_unordered*)

  4. Array from boost/array.hpp

  5. The Boost Graph Library (BGL) from boost/graph, except serialization (adj_list_serialize.hpp) and parallel/distributed algorithms and data structures (boost/graph/parallel/* and boost/graph/distributed/*).

  6. Property Map from boost/property_map, except parallel/distributed property maps (boost/property_map/parallel/*).

  7. The part of Iterator that deals with defining iterators: boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp, boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp, and boost/function_output_iterator.hpp


  1. 类型特性:boost/call_traits.hpp

  2. 压缩的pair51boost/compressed_pair.hpp

  3. 指针容器52boost/ptr_container 除了序列化和容器包装类不在C++03标准中(ptr_circular_buffer.hppptr_unordered*)。

  4. Array53boost/array.hpp

  5. Boost图算法库BGL):boost/graph,除了序列化(adj_list_serialize.hpp)、并行/分布式算法和数据结构(boost/graph/parallel/*boost/graph/distributed/*)。

  6. Property Map54boost/property_map,除了parallel/distributed中的property_map (boost/property_map/parallel/*)。

  7. Iterator中处理迭代器定义的部分:boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hppboost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp,以及 boost/function_output_iterator.hpp

We are actively considering adding other Boost features to the list, so this rule may be relaxed in the future.


3.19 C++11

Use only approved libraries and language extensions from C++11 (formerly known as C++0x). Consider portability to other environments before using C++11 features in your project.



C++11 is the latest ISO C++ standard. It contains significant changes both to the language and libraries.




C++11 has become the official standard, and eventually will be supported by most C++ compilers. It standardizes some common C++ extensions that we use already, allows shorthands for some operations, and has some performance and safety improvements.





The C++11 standard is substantially more complex than its predecessor (1,300 pages versus 800 pages), and is unfamiliar to many developers. The long-term effects of some features on code readability and maintenance are unknown. We cannot predict when its various features will be implemented uniformly by tools that may be of interest (gcc, icc, clang, Eclipse, etc.).

C++11标准明显要比它的前辈更复杂(1300页对800页),对许多开发者也不够友好。一些特性在可读性和可维护性上的长期表现尚属未知。我们无法预测何时各工具能有兴趣一致的实现55 它的各种特性。

As with Boost, some C++11 extensions encourage coding practices that hamper readability – for example by removing checked redundancy (such as type names) that may be helpful to readers, or by encouraging template meta programming. Other extensions duplicate functionality available through existing mechanisms, which may lead to confusion and conversion costs.




Use only C++11 libraries and language features that have been approved for use. Currently only the following C++11 features are approved:

  1. auto (for local variables only).

  2. Use of » with no intervening space to close multiple levels of template arguments, as in set<list>, where C++03 required a space as in set<list >.

  3. Range-based for loops.

  4. Use of the LL and ULL suffixeson numeric literals to guarantee that their type is at least 64 bits wide.

  5. Variadic macros (but note that use of macros is discouraged).

  6. All of the new STL algorithms in the and headers, except for the versions of min, max, and min max whose signatures contain initializer lists.

  7. Use of local types as template parameters.

  8. nullptr and nullptr_t.


  1. auto(只用于局部变量)。

  2. “»”现在优先匹配模板参数表的结束,而不是输出操作符。

  3. 以范围为基础的 for 循环

  4. 整数字面值+LL和ULL后缀以产生不少于64位的类型。

  5. 可变参数宏(但注意不鼓励用宏)。

  6. 所有声明于中的新STL算法,除了声明中包含初始化列表的min、max和minmax版本。

  7. 用局部类型充当模板参数58

  8. nullptr和nullptr_t

Other features will be approved individually as appropriate. Avoid writing code that is incompatible with C++11 (even though it works in C++03).



  1. 派生类的构造过程中,基类构造时是不会调用派生类版本的虚函数的,因为此时派生类还没开始构造,这可能会迷惑一些人 

  2. 新增一个子类后原有代码的含义可能被改变了 

  3. 也可以增加一个成员标记用于指示对象是否已经初始化成功 

  4. 将实质的初始化操作放入Init()方法中,它可以返回错误信息 

  5. 比编译器版本的合理 

  6. 同时也会允许作者没有预料到的各种转换,比如可以用int来构造对象的话,也同时允许了所有的内置类型,即使作者并不想这样 

  7. 比如流的对象根本不允许复制,一些智能指针的复制还有特定含义,更要避免 

  8. 要么不提供,要么都提供 

  9. struct默认成员都是public,适合于不需要封装的情况 

  10. 尽量保持struct为POD对象,也是为了与C尽量兼容 

  11. 类型特性 

  12. 子类能覆盖基类的public非虚函数,但不能重载,只要子类定义一个自己版本的同名函数,基类中所有此名字的函数都失效了,需要带类名显式调用 

  13. 即改为组合 

  14. 有虚函数时如果析构函数非虚,一般编译器会有警告 

  15. 有多个有实现的基类时,需要用虚基类来避免同一祖先产生多个内置对象 

  16. 因为没有数据成员,本身只有一个状态 

  17. 接口的祖先也都是接口 

  18. 多个指针指向同一个对象 

  19. 最明确的所有权就是不用指针,只用局部对象 

  20. 编译器无法处理循环互指的情况 

  21. C++11中专门有unique_ptr来代替它 

  22. 没有空引用,但有空指针 

  23. 函数中有statci变量保存着对上次输入的指针。这里用指针是因为引用初始化后就没办法换指向了 

  24. 只重写了一部分版本的时,其它基类函数不会自动被引入此作用域 

  25. alloca()是malloc.h中的函数,在栈上申请空间,不用free,不可移植,返回值不可传递。可用变长数组代替它。 

  26. 比如覆盖掉了栈底的函数返回指令,有安全隐患 

  27. 因为栈上申请的空间过大 被操作系统kill掉了 

  28. 都是boost库中的成员 

  29. 有些重载的操作符需要以友元的形式存在 

  30. 例如:int ret=func(); if(ret==ERROR_0) ... elseif(ret==ERROR_1) 

  31. 此处看不懂 

  32. 是不是指空间占用? 

  33. 我的理解是与之有一定共性的对象,如兄弟类等 

  34. 而不是RTTI 

  35. 为什么能用static_cast呢? 

  36. 使你达不到想要的效果 

  37. 含义很清晰 

  38. ssize_t pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset); 带偏移量地从文件中读取数据 

  39. 这在 MSVC 6.0 上行不通, VC 6 编译器不会自动把引号间隔的多个字符串连接一个长字符串 

  40. 本节的主要观点就是宏是在语言之外进行的文本替换,它不属于语言的一部分,很难在语言内调试出现的错误。尤其是如果有嵌套宏的话最终代码可能已经面目全非了,这时编译器检查出的错误就会令人匪夷所思。同时无法限制宏的作用域。 

  41. 这是C++的一个很突出的改进思路 

  42. #的功能是将其后面的宏参数进行字符串化操作,简单说就是在它引用的宏变量的左右各加上一个双引号。 

  43. 避免将宏扩散到所有用到它的.cc文件中 

  44. ##可以拼接符号 

  45. Bjarne Stroustrup 建议使用最原始的 0 

  46. 使用auto并不改变代码的含义。代码仍然是静态类型 

  47. auto不能自动推导成CV-qualifiers(constant & volatile qualifiers),除非被声明为引用类型 

  48. int &i=a;auto b=I; b的类型是int不是int& 

  49. 大括号的类型是std::initializer_list即初始化列表,允许构造函数或其他函数像参数般地使用初始化列表,提供一个初始化列表构造函数后就可以用它构造了 SomeClass(std::initializer_list<int> list); 

  50. 03年通过的C++03标准中新增的扩展 

  51. 当compressed_pair的某一个模板参数为一个空类的时候将对其进行“空基类优化”,这样可以使得compressed_pair占用的空间比std::pair的更小。 

  52. Boost.pointer_container提供了和标准相似的容器,只是它存放的是指针,维护的是堆分配的对象相比标准容器,能解决内存泄漏问题相比智能指针,开销更低,使用方便 

  53. 提供固定大小容量的数组容器,性能可以和普通数组想媲美,使用方法类似于STL容器 

  54. Property_map是一个概念库而不是一个真正的实现。它引入了 property_map 概念以及 property_map 类型的一组要求,从而给出了对一个key和一个value的映射的语法和语义要求。这在需要声明必须支持的类型的泛型代码中很有用。C++数组是一个 property_map 的例子。 

  55. 不太懂,是不是说各工具的实现情况还不一致? 

  56. 怀疑在说自动类型推断,auto和decltype 

  57. 说的应该是将旧代码转成新特性的代码时的开销 

  58. 参考这里大致意思是以前,未连接的类型(如函数内定义的类型,需要连接时才会确定布局)和无名字的类型(结构体和枚举类)是不能当模板参数的,现在取消了这条规定 
